mobile and miniature mass spectrometer
[Quadrupole] - [Ion trap] - [TOF] - [Combined]
- [sector] - [cycloidal] - [Monopole] - [IMS]
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My apologies, the content of this site has not been updated since 2005.
Please look at Harsh Environment Mass Spectrometry Workshop for talks and poster
- Bruker Daltonics. launched a new website with "generally improved usability and content" and all deep links are gone: Just look for NBC detection. They do not offer any lierature on mobile MS in there Library section.
- The MM2 seems to be the smaller successor of the MM1 which was the very first mobile GC/MS.
- MM1 description from an Information Paper of the Department of Defense (Gulf War Illnesses)
- Not so much about the MM1 itself but good reading for everybody who is doing field work Kuwaiti Girls’ School report of an event that took place during the Gulf War of 1990 and 1991. Very comprehensive report with lots of details.
- If you like to see an MM1 in action start looking for a Fox NBCRS
- The EM 640 is an elegant and rugged mobile GC/MS designed for chemical task forces.
- The Viking 573 (until 1999 known as SpectraTrak, Viking Instruments) is a portable sytem based on an Agilent quadrupole system.
- Ionchip is a chip-based mass spectrometer developed by Microsaic Systems
- "Monolithic MEMS Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers by Deep Silicon Etching" Martin Geear, Richard R. A. Syms, Steven Wright, and Andrew S. Holmes, Journal of Microelctromechanical Systems, VOL. 14, NO. 5, October 2005. - abstract (full text for IEEE members)
- Precursor
- ecoSys-P man portable mass spectrometer by European Spectrometry Systems (ESS)
Ion Trap
- Ortho TOF a compact and rugged TOF (Ionwerks, Inc.)
- miniTOF linear TOF Mass Spectrometer (Comstock)
- MS-200 former T-CAT a transportable TOF Mass Spectrometer.(Kore)
- Laser Mass Spectrometer for the European Space Agency
- tiny TOF from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL)
- Miniature Mass Spectrometer from the University Research Alliance (URA), formerly the Amarillo National Research Center.(ANRC)
- "Rugged Miniaturized Mass Sensors for Use in Plutonium Processing", ANRCP-1999-20 download paper (*.pdf 125 KB)
- SPI-TOFMS Single-Photon Ionisation Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer. (I am not allowed to mirror the article) Analytical Chemistry, 2001. 73(15): 3590-3604
- Fabrication of a Novel a Micro Time-of-flight mass spectrometer
Combined techniques
- FieldMate a field portable Quadrupole Ion Trap, Time-Of-Flight mass analyzer from Syagen
Magnetic sector MS
- The O.I. Corporation purchased the assets of Intelligent Ion on December 23, 2004
- Sinha's small Mattauch-Herzog MS
- A portable GC-Mattauch-Herzog-MS
- Portable Magnet-MS for Fast Simultaneous Spectra Acquisition (EMT, TUHH)
- Ceramitron is licensing the technology of former Mass Sensors, Inc. CyberSpec was the smallest magnetic sector mass spectrometer engine I've ever seen.
Cycloidal MS (Nitpicker call it prolate trochoidal. To avoid further arguments I would name it Roulette MS - mass 28, even, black)
- MIGMAS Microgravity Mass Spectrometer
- "Miniaturized mass-selective detector with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization", A.L. Makas, M.L. Troshkov, A.S. Kudryavtsev, V.M. Lunin, Journal of Chromatography B, 800 (2004) 63-67, (Article mirrored with kind permission of the author)
- Three-dimensional monopole - a new ion trap mass analyser with one-dimensional ion sorting Gurov VS, Dubkov MV, Korneeva OV. ,Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2000;14(6):454-8.
Constant Velocity MS
- IsoTak a new approach. I haven't seen any spectra yet but the system looks intriguingly simple
Ion Mobility Spectrometer since it's not a real MS only a few
- Micro-MS fabricated in MEMS technology (Semiconductor Technology, TUHH)
- E. Wapelhorst, J.-P. Hauschild, J. Müller: A Fully Integrated Micro Mass Spectrometer, 5th Workshop on Harsh Environment Mass Spectrometry (2005)
- Surface microstructure/miniature mass spectrometer,
P. Siebert, G. Petzold, Á. Hellenbart, J. Müller, Applied Physics A Materials Science & Processing, 67 (1998) pp 155"-1"60 , Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Springer-Verlag Heidelberg
How to get access to fulltext articles
- Microengineered MS for in-situ Measurement of Airborne Contaminants (NCERQA) Abstract (new link?)
- Roving GC/MS Project at the University of Utah.
- Field-portable GC/MS, Forensic Science in the Field (Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and International Security, LLNL)
- Mobile GC/MS at the Environmental Measurement Technology (EMT) which is part of the Department of Measurement Engineering (TUHH)
- Try Google Scholar to find articles on mobile, miniature or portable mass spectrometers
- "Miniature Mass Analyzers" Ethan R. Badman and R. Graham Cooks J. Mass Spectrom. 35 (2000) 659-671 .
- "The Incredible Shrinking Mass Spectrometers", Celia M. Henry, Analytical Chemistry News & Features, April 1, (1999) 264A-268A, Copyright 1999 ACS
- "Itsy-bitsy Mass Spectrometers" Celia M. Henry, Chemical & Engineering News 80 (2002)34-35
- "Chip-MS: Coupling the large with the small" Andrew J. de Mello, Lab on a Chip 1 (2001) 7N–12N, © The RSC 2001
- Mobile Mass Spectrometer Gwyn Winfield, Military Medical Technology, October 2004
- Boost for life on Mars hunt. BBC news 24 May, 2002
- Review of Chemical Sensors for In-Situ Monitoring of Volatile Contaminants Clifford K. Ho, Michael T. Itamura, Michael Kelley, and Robert C. Hughes,Sandia report,SAND2001-0643, Unlimited Release, Printed March 2001
- Investigation of Miniature Mass Spectrometers for Hydrogen Isotopic Analyses by the Savannah River Technology Center (Comparison of a Ferran Multipole MS, a Mass Sensors magnetic MS and a miniature ion trap based on ORNL design with a:SRS RGA 300).