Analytical links
with an emphasis on miniature mass spectrometers
[Resources] - [general] - [analytical] - [Environment] - [Emergency]
- [Journals] - [Societies] - [interesting?]
Resources general
Links for Chemists is the Chemistry section of the WWW Virtual Library and contains over 8,725 chemistry resources on the web (11.2001) (© The University
of Liverpool)
ChemDex they must have changed something now it is hard to navigate © The University
of Sheffield
German resources
Resources analytical
The Environmental Science Center
of Syracuse Research Corporation offers free on-line searches of databases
(EFDB, ODP, ...) see databases
Environmental Technology Center
from Canada offers nice software
tools and databases
Methods direct from OSHA. Validated OSHA Methods via ftp
Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable
the "next" generation of the Field Sampling Analysis Technologies Matrix,
this online encyclopedia is intended to provide information about technologies
that can be used in the field to characterize contaminated soil and groundwater,
monitor progress of remedial efforts, and in some cases, for confirmation
sampling and analysis for site close-out.
Environment Institute is
part of the Ispra site.
Internet Resources for
the Environmental Scientist
Greenpeace International
The Chemical
Industry Home Page
Society of Environmental Journalists
SEJ's purpose is to enable journalists to better inform the public about
critical issues concerning the environment. Nice links and tools focusing
on US stuff
Deutsche chromatographische
Grundbegriffe zur IUPAC-Nomenklatur. download
(1 MB) mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Herrn
Engelhardt. Herausgegeben vom Arbeitskreis Chromatographie der Fachgruppe
Analytische Chemie in der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker. 40 wertvolle
Seiten als *.pdf. Erklärungen, Glossar, Dictionary, Berechnungsformeln,...
- Projektgruppe Energie
und Umwelt des Fachinformationszentrums Karlsruhe bietet
Dokumentations- und Informationsdienstleistungen im Bereich Energie und
Umwelt an.
- Was ist das ? Abteilung
für Hygiene, Sozial- und Umweltmedizin
EmergencyNet Information, Analysis
and Coverage of Disasters and Major Emergency Events
OECD's Work on
Chemical Accidents: Prevention, Preparedness and Response
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
linx to emergency
related WWW Sites
CEPPO Chemical Emergency Preparedness
and Prevention Office Tons of downloads! EPA's CEPPO provides leadership,
advocacy, and assistance to: Prevent and prepare for chemical emergencies;
Respond to environmental crises; and Inform the public about chemical hazards
in their community.
Analytical Task Force @www.chemieunfall.de:
Organisation of an ATF, Ruggedized analytical and technical eqipment, Strategies,
Expert system for on-site disaster management
Elsevier Science (USA,
Europe) Table of Contents, Publisher of e.g.:
-- the free republication contents providing: Journal Title, Volume and
Issue Number, Issue Publication Date, Article Title and Author Names
ACS journals, ToC,
flutist only for subscribers, Publisher of e.g.:
Science &Technology, Analytical
Watch out: Fulltext articles in pdf, abstracts and supplements
The Royal Society of Chemistry
full text articles for registered users. Register the IP addresses of a
site that has valid, free on-line access to RSC periodicals and databases,
i.e. a site at which a full-rate institutional print/on-line subscription
is received. The Analyst, Analytical
need to agree to Wiley's Terms of Service, fill out a registration form,
and choose a login name and password.
Academic Press:
European Mass Spectrometry
Abstracts from all issues are available in HTML format. subscription consisting
of the printed journal and access to the on-line journal, and a web-only
subscription for half the price
American Institute of Physics Tables
of Contents (and abstracts for some journals) are available for browsing
by all users. Downloading of full-text articles requires a subscription
to the publication.
Science & Technology Review
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
IDEAL, online scientific
journal library (175 journals) ToC for guests. Guest access has
been restricted to evenings and weekends.
Chemical On-line Presentations
at the Imperial College. You are invited to contribute the URL of any chemically
orientated talk, poster or workshop presentation that you have made or
will make to an audience.
Conferences on Trends in Organic Chemistry (a variety of "helper" programs
for viewing molecules)
ACS The American Chemical Society,
Canadian Society for Chemistry, RSC
Royal Society of Chemistry,
GDCh Gesellschaft Deutscher
Chemiker, VCI Verband der Chemischen Industrie,
e.V. Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Chemisches Apparatewesen, Chemische
Technik und Biotechnologie
PittCon Pitt sburgh Con ference on
Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy.
AOAC International (formerly the Association
of Official Analytical Chemists)
Eastern Analytical Symposium
IUPACInternational Union of
Pure and Applied Chemistry
SAS Society for Applied Spectroscopy
NAS, NAE, IOM and NRC National Academy
of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and
National Research Council
And last not least
WMA Airsense Analytics: electronic
nose, sensors, on-site GC/MS
- material testing, LC/MS, GC/MS